cheryl 'cat' townsend



He finds secrets
I didn't know I kept
flaunts them on
the tip of his tongue
I kiss them back
Suck them in
until they are mine



My body
is a temple
with a garage
for you to park
those nights
you come to visit



There is rain in my head
There are clouds and
thunder and high winds
as I try to focus
Futile concentration
Eyes blurred
like a wind shield
and the wipers don't work
I'm driven back
forced to retreat
Go back to sleep

click for larger view

3 starfish horizontal
3 starfish horizontal
3 starfish
3 ripple leaves


Cheryl 'cat' Townsend


     Cheryl A Townsend used to publish she just collects the poetry and answers disgruntled mail from the senders. Ahh. She runs cat's Impetuous Books in Kent, OH...where she also pretends to be doing business. She does a lot of photography and thinks that's where all her poetic vision went. She is probably fatter than the last time you saw her.

New journal
(both e-version & print) w/interview/poems & photography
• book review with basinki - Landing On My Feet

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