

lash [for the fallen]
    I found your eyelash last night
    it attacked in the shower
    from my porcelain wall
    to my fingertip
      [hanging lightly]

         [I knew it was yours,
            mine never had this edge]

    a small curve of recollection
    from when water ran uphill
    beat us down, made us smile

    "I remember clutching hot skin"

        [echoed voices cherish the thought]

    I am left watching the water fall
    solitary as a drop

          sliding off this fragment
          passing up another moment

    farewell with a flick of the wrist
    a drop in line of sight

       n the drain
            [dancing madly]

    no more pieces left behind


preacher curl

The blue sheets resting upon the
bed's foot are still mammal warm
from their previous duties, and a
mere snapshot beyond where they
kept her form. She kneels now in
the pose of penance, cerebral
spinning with fragmented prayers
kept dormant all these years.
[Flashbacks of a child unwilling
to memorize her lesson]
Inner strength spent hours ago,
days ago when the demon in the
white coat changed her fragile
reality with a local anesthetic
and a soulless smile. Turning
now to a god, to any god that
will cup an ear. Her companion
long since fled, incapable of
love and unable to
change. She sinks further into
her preacher curl, tapping shaking
hands against a forehead
that sheds uninvited water for
the choices made without the
consent of the silent voice that
was inside.


that quick

I spoke to your eyes
they were listening
I blinked
they were gone



Stand tall little angel, trace a path deeper
into the black, expanding your limbs with the
shock of days passing. Bleed with me, to know
that you're human, and fragile with emotion
all the same. Speak silently, within the city's
breath that blankets your hair. Caress the
world with your skybound mind, free of the
confusion their chaos brings. Know that I can
taste the pain behind the half-smile you shed
upon any willing to glance your way, truly
believe that you are not solitary. Wipe the
disappointment from your skin, the lingering
dread that grows stronger each time they look
through. Spread your wings, little angel, take
these clouds and shape them into thought pure
as your own. Do not seek redemption from the
blinking masses, they march onward transparent
to your sobering gaze, refusing to feel, denying
your heal. Dream onward little angel, for your
world will always be safe behind these eyes,
they can never touch their own transparencies here.


voice [unlike my own]

just a report
from a voice
that is not my own
but within
my walls
that differs
from the strangers
that lull me
to sleep
the glowing box
beside my bed
a difference
in opinion
from a breath
not afar
and a mind
the one
behind my tears


     Antibiographical man. I am 24 years of age, living comfortably in Pontiac, Illinois. Male by the definition of anatomy, but slinking past the stereotypes all the same. This is a collection of a life behind jaded eyes, poetry that every man, woman, and child can feel and relate to. Take a step into the shadows and follow the breeze at your back, stepping always toward the light. Blink with me.

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