cheryl 'cat' townsend



I dry my hands
with the flesh of his ass
Shower water
still dripping from
  my hair
Taste the clean
of pulsing abdomen
My hard nipples
tickle his thighs



At 1a.m.
I had reason
to question
after 5
Took a hunch
and a good-bye
to find you
Her legs
were as thin
as your
last excuse



Our sex
is an insinuation
in these comfortable years
We cheat only
with ourselves
Fight the dryness
of our souls
Those blatant days
penetrate this ease
You are thankful
for the lull
that keeps me home

click for larger view

Window Mask
Red Nose
Red Nose
Lucky Strike
Cut Your Hair


Cheryl 'cat' Townsend


     Cheryl A Townsend used to publish she just collects the poetry and answers disgruntled mail from the senders. Ahh. She runs cat's Impetuous Books in Kent, OH...where she also pretends to be doing business. She does a lot of photography and thinks that's where all her poetic vision went. She is probably fatter than the last time you saw her.

New journal
(both e-version & print) w/interview/poems & photography
• book review with basinki - Landing On My Feet

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