Jeff Hash


I finally went to trial today for 2 counts of driving under the influence
The mandatory sentence for such a crime is
30 days in Delaware County Prison
10 days on PennDot highway clean up crew
48 hours of community service for each charge
safe driving classes
30 days house arrest
a CRN evaluation
alcohol awareness classes
$300 dollar fine for each charge
1 year probation and license suspension for each charge

Sounds shitty doesn't it

This is what I got off with somehow
16 hours community service
crn evaluation
safe driving classes
alcohol awareness class
2 years probation (a year for each charge)
2 year license suspension (also one year for each charge)
$600 dollar fine ($300 for each charge)
and two weekends in Delaware County Prison which I'll be serving the
weekends of the 21st and 28th of this month.


jeff hash

Jeff Hash spends his days in Southeastern Pennsylvania with a notebook and an acoustic guitar. He’s a foul-mouthed, punk rock fan with terrible habits and an even worse attitude. He had been writing for countless years before his short-lived venture in Western Kansas. Since his return he has taken a students approach towards himself and his writing


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